Greatness Playground

I am asking for a friend - are YOU ready to be great? 

What do I mean when I talk of  Greatness?  

  • Great is staying on task.

  • Great is being at ease.

  • Great is being comfortable in your own skin.

  • Great is knowing you are always operating with integrity, on purpose, and with intent.

Because when you do, the good stuff of life happens.  

The good stuff? Feeling energized, Loving more consciously, and Having more clarity of mind and a knowing that you are operating on ALL cylinders. 

So – are you ready to be great?

Your greatness goals and intentions come from some place... so let's go get them. 


What is Greatness Playground About? 
It’s a space, a 8-week experiential group process where you learn exactly how to really dig into your desires for life the way you dream it. 

Each week, you will have an opportunity to bring those visions to life in a fully supported and encouraging way. 

And you will learn how to create effective strategies to uncover your Greatness and develop a roadmap on how you make long-lasting, significant & successful changes to your life.

I know - you already have a full life.

But what is it full of?

You may have demons, your naysayers and dream killers to battle… sometimes daily. Flooding with you with double checking doubt.  You are strong enough to step out onto your dreams but they are sapping your energy, your time and your precious will to succeed. 

Are they what’s keeping you from realizing your goals?
Are they the ones standing in between you, your possibilities, your brilliance? Okay, I understand.
But are they YOU? 

Even with that stacked against you, your badass self is walking towards your greatness and you might not know what it is or when it will show up fully… but I have to wonder what if you did.  

I wonder how richer, & yummier your life would be? 

For me, I started to believe in the possibility of my own greatness.  And as I allowed what I acquired to heal my thinking, I realized how to create and have the best moments of my life, right now. 
Now, I want the same for you. I know that with our session experiences, you will have practices to bring you closer to living greatness as you have dreamt it.

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The Details!

In our Group sessions:

  • You get to view the perceptions, beliefs, and misbeliefs you base your past actions on with clarity and objectivity.

  • You will find and rebuild the connection to your intuition, your heart wisdom. It is buried beneath years of ego lies, guilt, and the things that tell us we should not or cannot move onward.

  • You will share your wins, your realizations, and next steps to cement your growth towards greatness.

In the Supplementals, you will have a collection of thought-provoking exercises, essays, and my personally crafted guided meditations designed with your greatness in mind. 

And in your One-on-One sessions, you will have an opportunity to become razor-focused on what you really want and how to get it. We’ll schedule your first session in the first week because I want you to really take advantage of our time together.    And we’ll drill down on your progress for even more success in your second.

4 - 3 - 2 ⇒ Greatness!

Cost = $745

Timing is everything.

Listen – if you are not ready, that is perfectly okay.  If you have changed your mind about focusing on you right now or want to put your energy into other commitments, it is fine.

But I think you are ready to be great. In fact, I need you to say you are. Out loud, in front of yourself, right now. Say it so you can unleash that energy and let it fuel you. My hope for you is that you shout an unqualified YES and we keep it movin.

Because if you are, you will take these eight weeks, use them to light your path and rock your world.

So you ready to be great or what?