Hi, my name is Stefanie.
Welcome to my page! Wanna hear a story? Okay…
Over 25 years ago, I was at my breaking point. I had let some of the worst experiences in Life that anyone could have beat me down. I had survived so much, but I was only focused on the pain and the struggle. In fact, I used to call myself “Life’s chew toy”. Ouch. I couldn’t even look at myself when I was putting on mascara. And I didn’t like the woman staring back at me in the mirror.
Not only did I not like her, I didn’t TRUST her.
I not only blamed me for the things I did, I blamed myself for the things that were done to me.
You probably know what that feels like, don’t you?
And when you don’t like yourself, it is so much easier to focus on others. It’s easier to let go of your goals because you don’t want to let someone else down.
It’s easier to judge yourself based on what you do to make the people in your life happier.
It’s easier to trust and believe others before you trust and believe yourself.
It’s easier to let others set your boundaries instead of setting your own.
It’s easier to compartmentalize your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, easier but tiring (and you’re always tired) – mentally, physically, spiritually.
You’re tired, overwhelmed AND underjoyed with Life.
Plus, you have no idea what your heart’s desire is because no one asked OR allowed you time to find out… not even you. Hell, I didn’t even have a bucket list! Do you?
I found myself in a place desperately wanting to figure out how to stop the people-pleasing, to rebuild my self-trust and just be comfortable walking around in my own damn skin.
I was ready to find me again. All of ME.
Because I didn’t know what I didn’t know, I thought it best to start my path by learning the basics of meditation, mindfulness and Metaphysics. I went back to school, studying everything from massage to transformational psychology to almost everything in between.
Then I enriched my formal education by sitting with shamans, gurus and great spiritual teachers. I met some amazing people who guided me, gently, towards self-compassion and inner understanding. They helped me develop a willingness to look at myself and any action I take with a softer eye.
When I learned how to focus on my heart wisdom and apply the inherent truths I found there, my life changed dramatically. Now I have a thriving and successful practice, deep rich relationships with my children and grandchildren, and a loving relationship that is more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined.
And I believe everyone deserves to know their authentic self, learn how to redevelop that connection and have Joy in their own lives like I do.
Are you ready? Because I am so freakin' excited for you to see how good your life can be that I can't stand it!
Professional Experience & Qualifications
Stefanie Booker Atchison is a twice board-certified clinical hypnotherapist.
She has a degree in Transformational Psychology from the accredited Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Phoenix Arizona and has completed over six hundred hours of coursework in the practice of hypnosis techniques, life coaching, stress management and spiritual coaching for treating a wide variety of issues. She also studied at Howard University, University of Maryland University College and graduated from the Baltimore School of Massage.
Stefanie has certifications in Reiki Master Teaching, Advanced Life Coaching, Practical Mysticism, Spiritual Coaching, Polarity and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. In Maryland, Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists are technically not licensed. Stefanie chose to become board certified by American Council of Hypnotic Examiners, The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association and the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists.
Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy.
However, Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis is a proven, adjunctive method to complement such ongoing treatment and care. It is a self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist him/her in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Because hypnosis and hypnotherapy are a series of self-help skills and their effectiveness depends on the client, no guarantee can be made regarding results of their use.
Stefanie Booker Atchison does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition. Medical supported hypnotherapy is used only as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services are provided.