Greatness is choosing to be that which you already are.


Too many times, you doubted yourself.

Too many times you looked past what you knew to be true because you were told it was unimportant or not real or not valid.

Too many times you were admonished “that’s not how we do things here”.

Too many times you believed the lie that if you couldn’t be like Tom, Dick or Mary you weren’t not good enough.

Who told you that?
And why did you believe them when they said you were not all that?
Why did you listen to people who are not in touch with their own greatness?

Baaaby, you have a divine ability to do seriously stupendous shit... PERIODT.

Finally - you are acting like you know it too.

‘Cause when you know that you know, you know…you know?

First week of my 1st round of The Greatness Playground Cohort is done and I’m feeling all the feels y’all.

There’s something about seeing a certain look someone has when they start to really get that they don’t have to limit themselves anymore.

I mean, watching people step into their authentic selves, saying yes to their truth, their light, and being kinder to themselves as they do it…

I’m so here for all of it.

Oooooo, it’s gonna get so gooooooood. 🤗💜🤗

Stefanie B.


You deserve your highest good


Stop Giving “Value”